As your parents age, they become less able to get around, to perform many important functions, and take care of themselves. This means that you must step in and assist in any ways needed to make their lives as comfortable as possible. Here is a list of areas for you to focus on to help then, when they are in their golden years.

If You Suspect Elder Abuse, Hire an Elder Law Attorney

In California, because there is so much abuse of elders, there are special laws to protect anyone older than 65. These Elder Abuse Laws are designed to assist those who are often the most vulnerable in our society. Elder abuse covers: Abduction, Abandonment, Isolation, Physical Abuse, Neglect and Financial Abuse and has severe penalties for any person or organization found to be committing these crimes.

Your elderly parent might be abused by predatory lenders, medical practitioners, nursing homes, landlords, car services, salesmen or a range of other people or entities with whom they have contact. If you for any reason suspect that your loved one who lives in Oakland California is a victim of elder abuse you need to contact a reputable Oakland injury lawyer that specializes in elder abuse cases.

Modify Areas in Their Home

When our parents age, it becomes more difficult for them to get around, their balance is not as accurate, and they lose strength. Areas and things in their homes that were once very easy to navigate can become nearly impossible for them to negotiate safely. So a smart thing to do in their homes to keep them safe is to go through every room and make modifications.

In the bathroom, place safety bars around the areas where they will stand or sit. This means the sinks and the toilets in particular. Put in a shower that does not have a step to enter and make sure that the shower head and controls are within easy arm’s reach.

If their home has more than one floor and they have mobility issues consider installing a chairlift that will seamlessly carry them up and down the stairs. These devices can be installed on nearly every staircase.

In the bedroom, make sure they can get into and out of bed easily. This may require lowering their bed or adding safety bars. Also make sure light switches are easily accessible. If not consider putting the lights on a remote so they can operate them from anywhere in the room.

Throughout the home remove any loose carpeting or rugs to avoid their tripping. Also remove any protruding furniture and anything with sharp edges they might run into.

Make Sure they Keep their Medical Appointments

When we are younger, missing a medical appointment is common and no big deal. We simply reschedule to a convenient time and the odds are that there will be no difference because of the time lost. But as we age and become elderly, medical appointments become more important and their timing can sometimes mean there is a need for critical treatment at that time. Keeping track of them is very important, which is why apps are one of the best ways to manage care of your elderly parents, as you can keep an eye on their schedule everywhere you go and make sure everything is going smoothly.

The appointment might be with a general practitioner or a specialist and be equally as important to the health of your elderly parent. For these reasons, it is important to make sure that your elderly parents make all of their medical appointments. In the event that they cannot make that exact appointment be sure to call as soon as possible to reschedule as close as possible to the original appointment.