We live in an era where all it takes to contact family, friends and lovers is to make a simple swipe. Not only has social media enhanced the way we communicate with our loved ones but it has also completely changed the world of dating for the present and future generations.

The Internet has provided us with a way to expose ourselves to over fifty percent of the planet via an online profile. In the same way, we can see an almost infinite amount of people’s profiles through a person who is only one connection away. The options are truly endless. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tinder, etc. are all social platforms which allows us to find and get in touch with others and like almost everything else, it has its pros and its cons.

The Pros and Cons of Social Media and Dating

Social media has changed the dating world in a positive way by giving us an avenue to stay in touch with those who live in different parts of the world, or to create relationships with people that share the same interests as us.

However, on the other hand, dating and relationships have been severely affected by social media in the following ways:

Less Authentic Human Contact

Finding someone new is easier than ever and as a consequence old traditions are becoming afterthoughts, especially with the up and coming generations. Nowadays, you don’t necessarily have to physically meet someone in person to get to know them. You can spend countless hours interacting with that person via your phone or computer and sometimes learn more about them then you would in a traditional, face-to-face conversation. As a matter of fact, you don’t even need to introduce yourself anymore as your profile does that for you.

Less Quality Time

The quality time with our loved ones has seen a significant decline due to social media and the amount of time we spend communicating back and forth through our smartphones. Even when we’re together our cellphones are a constant distraction which limits our quality time and attention to the present moment because our phones our phones never stop lighting up with new notifications.

Infidelity and Divorce

The percentage of spouses who cheat has increased drastically thanks to social media and this now happens to be the number one cause of divorce. The biggest factor for this new wave of divorces due to social media is because of how easy it is to reconnect with past flings, exes, and other friends from your younger years.

If you do find yourself contemplating divorce after infidelity prompted by social media, trust in the expertise of legal professionals from firms like Peters & May – your trusted west end law firm, to ensure you have the guidance you need to successfully pursue a fair legal separation. Divorce is not something you need to face alone.

False Profiles

Virtual identities play a huge role when it comes to social media as your profile is seen as a true representation of yourself. Unfortunately, not everyone on the Internet is real, never mind honest and some attempt to use it to their advantage. False representation can go from harmless to dangerous in no time and this is one of the most common problems with online dating. Creating false profiles has lead to countless issues around the world and the consequences of this can be scary when used for the wrong reasons.